The CSA finally has running water!! Thanks to the efforts of Anne Giddings who, in the months before she passed, advocated for us on the Cheshire town council. The council approved the opening of the water line from the farm house across the street to the spigot near where the barn used to stand. Bob Giddings, president of Friends of Boulder Knoll, followed up to make it a reality for this summer. Much to our delight, we now have water with tremendous volume and pressure. Of course we will use it judiciously. We are blessed to live in an area of the world with abundant clean water and do not take it for granted.
Members have been working!
Thank you to all members and other volunteers who have come to the farm to work so far. We’ve gotten the garden into pretty good shape for the summer. Our fence is up; gates are being installed; our solar electric generating system is operating and lots of crops have been started. Thank you to everyone who has contributed your time and effort.
Educational events!
Julia Meurice has led nature walks, girl and boy scout learning/work groups, and workshops on organic gardening and plant patterns, among other things. Check the Education calendar on the boulderknollfarm.com/education website for upcoming events in May and June. Thank you to Julia for her thoughtful and wonderful work and to member Marion Sparago who facilitated the grant to allow the Friends of Boulder Knoll to hire Julia as our educator. It makes a huge difference!
Mitzvah day!
On Sunday, May 22 adult, youth and child members of Cheshire Temple Kol Ami came to the farm to volunteer as part of their spring Mitzvah Day event. Kol Ami facilitates our deliveries to area soup kitchens. They come annually to give the farm a work boost during a much needed time of the year. We’re able to produce more food because they make this work contribution. Thank you to CSA work intensive members Lauren and Fellis who came to the farm to help the day go smoothly. Thanks to Julia for helping the children feel productive and happy.
Upcoming Events
- CSA orientation and potluck lunch
At noon on Sunday, June 5 join us for a potluck lunch, garden tour and CSA orientation. Please bring a dish to share, some utensils and a plate.
Meet other members, join CSA pick up groups, sign up to work for harvest days. A great children’s craft activity will be led by Julia Meurice. Kids can make a funny face with real grass hair.
Please RSVP to Brenda@boulderknollfarm.com with the subject line “CSA potluck”.
Educational events
- The Ground Beneath Our Toes, Sat., May 28 , 1-3 p.m:
As part of our “Springing into Nature” series, join us as we plunge into the earth for a look at soil ecology, decomposition and soil makeup! Using GPS maps that indicate Boulder Knoll’s 3 soil types, we’ll dig soil pits at different locations, compare their makeups, and talk about how forests and farmers use different techniques for building soil. Bring your scientific mind and a willingness to get “soily”! All ages, free. Please register at educator@friendsofboulderknoll.com
- Learning Wild Edible Plants, Fri., June 3, 4pm – 6pm
Many of the plants we consider weeds are actually delicious salad additions, and Native Americans used wild food stocks for hundred of years. We’ll walk around the farm’s perimeter and into the forest to explore what kinds of wild foods occur where and when and how to eat them. Participants will help collect ingredients for a wild salad! Bring an open palate; we will be taste-testing! Free but please RSVP to educator@friendsofboulderknoll.com.
Check the farm’s website for additional upcoming events: http://www.boulderknollfarm.com/
What’s happening in the garden?
Planted – broccoli raab, radishes, carrots, beets, Swiss chard, kale, potatoes (fingerlings – LaRatte, French and Banana and regular – Red Norland, Keuka Gold and Kennebec), red and yellow onions, shallots, scallions, leeks, peas, green and wax beans, white turnips, lettuce
Going in soon if it stops raining – the rest of the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, escarole, chinese cabbage, bok choi, more lettuce, parsley, dill, flowers, sweet potatoes
We’ve had some great wildlife sightings. Lots of animals are courting and laying their eggs. Just last week we’ve seen turkeys, toads, spiders with egg cases, barn swallows nesting in our tool shed, ribbon and garter snakes, blue birds nesting in area boxes.
Work needs
Please sign up with CSA member Amy at amywojenski@yahoo.com to work at the farm. Amy and Annmarie will put your name on the work calendar. I need to know ahead of time if you are coming. If you change your time last minute, call my cell to make sure I’m going to be there when you want to come. If I don’t know you’re coming, I might not be there when you arrive. Sometimes I decide it’s not worth working in the rain – soil is too muddy or it’s too difficult. If it’s raining or if you have any doubts about the weather, call to confirm that we’re still on. My cell phone is 203-645-1734.
Here’s what’s needed soon
- Painters (we’ll schedule a day just for the painting project – maybe this Saturday, May 28th)
- Carpenters to work on the shade house (next week sometime?)
- Mount bird houses
- Pea trellises
- Weeding herb and flower gardens
- Mulch strawberries
- More bed prep especially clearing sweet potato beds (they should be arriving soon)
Wish list
- small (4 – 5 inch diameter) terracotta pots for a kids’ activity on June 5th
- exterior white stain for the hoop house
- Rhubarb plants
- A few days of sun
See you at the farm!