News from the Farm: May 24, 2011


The CSA finally has running water!! Thanks to the efforts of Anne Giddings who, in the months before she passed, advocated for us on the Cheshire town council. The council approved the opening of the water line from the farm house across the street to the spigot near where the barn used to stand. Bob Giddings, president of Friends of Boulder Knoll, followed up to make it a reality for this summer. Much to our delight, we now have water with tremendous volume and pressure. Of course we will use it judiciously. We are blessed to live in an area of the world with abundant clean water and do not take it for granted.

Members have been working!

Thank you to all members and other volunteers who have come to the farm to work so far. We’ve gotten the garden into pretty good shape for the summer. Our fence is up; gates are being installed; our solar electric generating system is operating and lots of crops have been started. Thank you to everyone who has contributed your time and effort.

Educational events!

Julia Meurice has led nature walks, girl and boy scout learning/work groups, and workshops on organic gardening and plant patterns, among other things. Check the Education calendar on the website for upcoming events in May and June. Thank you to Julia for her thoughtful and wonderful work and to member Marion Sparago who facilitated the grant to allow the Friends of Boulder Knoll to hire Julia as our educator. It makes a huge difference!

Mitzvah day!

On Sunday, May 22 adult, youth and child members of Cheshire Temple Kol Ami came to the farm to volunteer as part of their spring Mitzvah Day event. Kol Ami facilitates our deliveries to area soup kitchens. They come annually to give the farm a work boost during a much needed time of the year. We’re able to produce more food because they make this work contribution. Thank you to CSA work intensive members Lauren and Fellis who came to the farm to help the day go smoothly. Thanks to Julia for helping the children feel productive and happy.

Upcoming Events

  • CSA orientation and potluck lunch
    At noon on Sunday, June 5 join us for a potluck lunch, garden tour and CSA orientation. Please bring a dish to share, some utensils and a plate. 

    Meet other members, join CSA pick up groups, sign up to work for harvest days. A great children’s craft activity will be led by Julia Meurice. Kids can make a funny face with real grass hair.

    Please RSVP to with the subject line “CSA potluck”.

Educational events

  • The Ground Beneath Our Toes, Sat., May 28 , 1-3 p.m:
    As part of our “Springing into Nature” series, join us as we plunge into the earth for a look at soil ecology, decomposition and soil makeup! Using GPS maps that indicate Boulder Knoll’s 3 soil types, we’ll dig soil pits at different locations, compare their makeups, and talk about how forests and farmers use different techniques for building soil. Bring your scientific mind and a willingness to get “soily”! All ages, free. Please register at
  • Learning Wild Edible Plants, Fri., June 3, 4pm – 6pm
    Many of the plants we consider weeds are actually delicious salad additions, and Native Americans used wild food stocks for hundred of years. We’ll walk around the farm’s perimeter and into the forest to explore what kinds of wild foods occur where and when and how to eat them. Participants will help collect ingredients for a wild salad! Bring an open palate; we will be taste-testing! Free but please RSVP to

Check the farm’s website for additional upcoming events:

What’s happening in the garden?

Planted – broccoli raab, radishes, carrots, beets, Swiss chard, kale, potatoes (fingerlings – LaRatte, French and Banana and regular – Red Norland, Keuka Gold and Kennebec), red and yellow onions, shallots, scallions, leeks, peas, green and wax beans, white turnips, lettuce

Going in soon if it stops raining – the rest of the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, escarole, chinese cabbage, bok choi, more lettuce, parsley, dill, flowers, sweet potatoes

We’ve had some great wildlife sightings. Lots of animals are courting and laying their eggs. Just last week we’ve seen turkeys, toads, spiders with egg cases, barn swallows nesting in our tool shed, ribbon and garter snakes, blue birds nesting in area boxes.

Work needs

Please sign up with CSA member Amy at to work at the farm. Amy and Annmarie will put your name on the work calendar. I need to know ahead of time if you are coming. If you change your time last minute, call my cell to make sure I’m going to be there when you want to come. If I don’t know you’re coming, I might not be there when you arrive. Sometimes I decide it’s not worth working in the rain – soil is too muddy or it’s too difficult. If it’s raining or if you have any doubts about the weather, call to confirm that we’re still on. My cell phone is 203-645-1734.

Here’s what’s needed soon

  • Painters (we’ll schedule a day just for the painting project – maybe this Saturday, May 28th)
  • Carpenters to work on the shade house (next week sometime?)
  • Mount bird houses
  • Pea trellises
  • Weeding herb and flower gardens
  • Mulch strawberries
  • More bed prep especially clearing sweet potato beds (they should be arriving soon)

Wish list

  • small (4 – 5 inch diameter) terracotta pots for a kids’ activity on June 5th
  • exterior white stain for the hoop house
  • Rhubarb plants
  • A few days of sun


See you at the farm!


Upcoming Educational Events at the Farm

You’re invited to attend these upcoming events in our new educational series —
“Springing into Nature”:

Organic Gardening for Beginners
Saturday, May 14 at 1pm
Boulder Knoll Community Farm

  • Want to start a garden this spring but dont know where to begin? Looking for some tips to boost your garden’s health and resilience? Come help us kickoff our “Springing into Nature” series this Saturday at the farm for a workshop on how to get started. You’ll participate in hands-on demonstrations and have a chance to ask your questions! We’ll talk about site preparation, sun and water factors, soil structure and health, and plant selection. All ages welcome.

Patterning in Nature
Saturday, May 21 at 1pm
Boulder Knoll Community Farm

  • Ever wondered why artists and poets alike are so inspired by nature?? In this art-themed workshop, we’ll take a look at some of the most common patterns in nature. We’ll use identification guides to teach us a few tricks, and sketch wild and domestic plants, insects and natural items alike. Bring your creativity and an open mind!

The Ground Beneath our Toes
Saturday, May 28, 1-3 pm
Boulder Knoll Community Farm

  • Join us as we plunge into the earth for a look at soil ecology, decomposition and soil makeup! Using GPS maps that indicate Boulder Knoll’s three soil types, we’ll dig soil pits at different locations, compare their makeups, and talk about how forests and farmers use different techniques for building soil. Bring your scientific mind and a willingness to get “soily”!

Learning Wild Edible Plants
Friday, June 3, 4-6 pm
Boulder Knoll Community Farm

  • Many of the plants we consider weeds are actually delicious salad additions, and native Americans used wild food stocks for hundred of years. We’ll walk around the farm’s perimeter and into the forest to explore what kinds of wild foods occur where, when and how to eat them. Participants will help collect ingredients for a wild salad! Bring an open palate, we will be taste-testing!

All events are free and open to the public. I hope you can join us! RSVP kindly requested to educator (at) boulderknollfarm (dot) com.

Stay tuned for more fun and educational events in the coming weeks and months.


News from the Farm – April 19th

Hi everyone! – 

I hope you are enjoying all the wonderful changes that are unfolding this spring – peepers, birds migrating in, trees blooming, courting animals.

Educational events at the farm

Earth Day Walk on the Farm
April 22nd 1-3pm at Boulder Knoll Community Farm

Come join other CSA members and friends for an afternoon of “Exploring Different Ecosystems and Habitats” at Boulder Knoll Friday, April 22. We will be walking around the perimeter of the farm and discovering ecosystem types and landscape features including: northern hardwood forest, wetlands, marsh, meadowland and more. Environmental educator Julia Meurice will be leading the walk.

Come prepared to adventure rain or shine! Wear closed shoes and long pants please. All are welcome but be aware that the 1.5 – 2 hour walk involves negotiating some uneven (maybe even squishy) ground. Look for parking near our little red tool shed and meet at the white hoop house.

Check the website for directions to the farm.

Questions? Email Julia at

Input from members needed

In effort to schedule walks and workshops at convenient times for CSA members our environmental educator is soliciting your responses on what works best for you and your family.

Events for children and youth will most likely take place on Fridays and the weekends until the end of the school period and will include hands-on activities and learning games. Events for adults and families will take place weekends in the spring and mornings and afternoons during the week in the summer. These workshops will include local plant species and community ID, decomposition and soil topics, wild edible plant hunts and a few other topics.

Please select from the following time slots and let her know at

  • Wednesday or Friday mornings
  • Sunday mornings
  • Sunday afternoons
  • Tuesday afternoon/evenings
  • Saturday afternoons


The greenhouse at my home is filling up with seedlings – Swiss chard, kale, scallions, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, shallots, lettuce, escarole, tomatillos and flowers are all growing. The plants that can’t take the cold are in the basement under lights. Heat mats helped the eggplants and peppers germinate. I’ll soon be transplanting the tomatoes into the next sized pots. Everything is growing great!

We have planted peas, onions, parsnips, kale in the field. Carrots, beets, chard, potatoes, cilantro and dill are going in in the next few days. Next week we’ll start to plant the potatoes.

Work at the farm

Our 30 and 60 hour work-intensive crew has been fantastic. Growing beds have been prepared, shed repairs have been done, fence and corner posts have been erected, gates have been welded. Thanks so much for all the good energy and hard work.

We invite 12 hour shares to start signing up to work at the farm starting on Thursday during the following times this week

  • Thursday 10 – 4
  • Friday 10 – 4
  • Saturday 12 – 6
  • Sunday 10 – 1 or 2

Please email CSA member Annmarie Golioto at if you can work during any of these times. She will let me know you’re coming. Please be prepared for breezy, chilly weather. A hat and sturdy shoes are a must. Remember that anyone who is part of your share can work and the hours count toward your 12 hour commitment. Any amount of work time is helpful to the farm – a couple of hours can be plenty when muscles and backs and knees aren’t yet acclimated to gardening. Kids are welcome.

Our website

Please check the website periodically for farm calendar info, links, foodie stuff and new pics.

One last thought

Please keep farm neighbors Anne and Bob Giddings (our board president) in your thoughts. Anne was in a serious car accident several weeks ago and will have a very long recovery ahead of her. If you have met or worked with Anne, you know what her wonderful energy and positive spirit is like and how much she has contributed to our success. We hope that she will soon be able to come home to Bob and enjoy her beautiful spring garden.

See you at the farm – Hope you can join us for the Earth Day farm walk on Friday from 1-3!


Earth Day on the Farm!

Earth Day on the Farm!
April 22nd 1-3pm

Come join for an afternoon of “Exploring Different Ecosystems and Habitats” at Boulder Knoll next Friday, April 22. We will be walking around the perimeter of the farm and discovering ecosystem types and landscape features including: northern hardwood forest, wetlands, marsh, meadowland and more.

Farm educator Julia Meurice will be leading the walk. Come prepared to adventure rain or shine! Closed shoes and long pants required.

Click here for directions to the farm.

Farming has Deep Roots in Cheshire

Here’s an interesting article with accompanying video about Cheshire’s agricultural roots:

“As with many New England towns, Slocum said, farmers settled the area which became known as Cheshire. It was a farmer, Thomas Brooks who gave the town its name, and another farmer and former First Selectman, Burnsy B. Norton, whose name lives on at Norton Elementary school.”

Welcome to Boulder Knoll Community Farm members!

Welcome to new and returning members of Boulder Knoll Community Farm CSA:

We hope you have an enjoyable and educational experience on the farm this year. We hope you try some new vegetables, meet some new people and learn something new about nurturing food plants. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, but we also like to think of it as Community Building Agriculture. Continue reading “Welcome to Boulder Knoll Community Farm members!”

Interesting upcoming event at the Cheshire Library

Walters has really embraced sustainable living and eating, and this should be an interesting event for all. Register online here.

Terry Walter’s Clean Start Book Signing & Tasting
Thursday, April 28 7:00pm
Cheshire Public Library

Terry Walters will present a cooking demo based on her new book CLEAN START. Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing. Terry Walters’ first book, Clean Food, caused a sensation and fueled a nationwide movement about nourishment and clean food that’s been embraced all the way to the White House. Cooks, foodies, and anyone in search of a healthy and sustainable approach to eating and living well embraced her philosophy: eat minimally processed foods for maximum nutrition. Clean Food taught us the benefits of eating locally grown, seasonal, and fresh. And now, CLEAN START makes it even easier for everyone-from the kitchen novice to the seasoned chef-to eat clean. CLEAN START features 100 exciting new recipes for the foods we all need more of, featuring Terry’s signature quick, easy, and delicious preparations. CLEAN START inspires you to take the next step…no matter where you’re starting.

CSA work intensive members' orientation this coming Sunday

Hi work intensive members –

A reminder that we’ll gather at the farm at 1 pm on Sunday April 3 to meet each other, tour the garden and talk about the coming season.

If your work share involves more than one person, it would be helpful if whomever plans to work would come. Bring your kids if you like. The orientation will probably take about an hour +.

Anyone who wants to is welcome to stay and do some work (bring garden gloves) or go for a walk around the area.

Please dress in layers. You might even want a warm hat if it’s cool. It tends to be quite windy at the farm early in the season.

Please let me know if you won’t be able to make it.
I’m looking forward to getting together!