Work times are still available!
Here are the times people can sign up for work. Please let me know you’re coming so I can make sure I’m there.
If you’d like to work at other times, please let me know and we can work something out.
- Sunday Oct 31: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
- Monday Nov 1: 10 am – 3 pm
- Tuesday Nov 2: 10 – 3
- Wednesday Nov 3: 10 – 3
- Thursday Nov 4: 10 – 3
- Friday Nov 5: 10 – 3
- Saturday Nov 6: I will be away for the day. Please arrange work with me in advance
We’re pulling weeds, cleaning up and mulching beds with leaves and paths with wood chips. I’d like someone to finish putting the plastic on the hoop house end. Also, it would be great to get the lean-to shade house frame built before the winter. The lumber is there; we just need some creative types to figure out how to construct it. I would also like to inventory all the soil amendments and cover crop seed that we have left from this year. We’ll plant garlic after another week or so of cool weather.
Soup kitchen and Caseus harvests continue
As long as there are veggies in the field, we will continue to donate to the Waterbury and Meriden soup kitchens and sell to Caseus.
Thanks to Kol Ami friends who have done all the deliveries to the soup kitchens! Thanks to our good friends at Caseus who have contributed so much to our great second year.
Gleaning opportunities for members
Whenever I am at the farm (check the above times), CSA members can come to pick your own chard, kale, broccoli, carrots, beets, bok choi, Chinese cabbage, herbs, parsnips, etc. Please let me know that you are coming (in advance) so I can make sure I’ll be there to guide you.
Report from the annual meeting on Thursday Oct 28th
The Friends of Boulder Knoll (FOBK) Annual Meeting and potluck supper was held at the home of members Fellis and Hap Jordan.
Kim Stoner was honored for her years of tenacity as president of the Friends of Boulder Knoll. She was instrumental in working with the town to get a lease for our farm and start the CSA. She has agreed to be the clerk of her Quaker meeting and so she has resigned from the Friends of Boulder Knoll Board and the CT NOFA board. Very sorry to see her go, but we know where she lives! We voted new board members in, heard a report from the farmer, talked about thoughts for next year, enjoyed a delicious potluck dinner provided by the board and enjoyed great company. Bob Giddings was appointed as president, Tim O’Connell, VP, Kathryn Frund, Recording Secretary, and Carol Goertz, Treasurer.
Please consider joining the Friends of Boulder Knoll with a modest membership fee. Your FOBK membership will entitle you to first crack at a 2011 CSA membership prior to the general public.
Grant received!!
We received a much needed and VERY generous grant from the Cheshire Nursery School board. When they closed several years ago and sold their assets, their non-profit by-laws required them to donate the proceeds of the sale to educational organizations. We have the great fortune of having their former director as a CSA member. Thank you Marion Sparago for thinking of us as a recipient! This money will allow us to hire a part-time environmental educator for the farm to create programs and work with children, youth and adults. I am very excited about this – what a wonderful enhancement to our project.
Survey on the 2010 CSA season
Be looking for a survey in the next month or so. We want to hear from you about what you liked, didn’t like, and suggestions for next year.